I decided to join the mining process of Kaspa a few days back. It was easy but yet difficult for a first timer like me.
Below I will guide you, step by step, on how to solo mine Kaspa with your Iceriver, Bitmain, asic(s) using your own node.
You need a decent computer/laptop running 24/7/365 — I would suggest a minimum of 8Gb ram, I5 CPU and at least 250Gb SSD. You could go lower I guess.
Creating your own node
This process is quite simple if you follow the exact steps:
- Go to
- On the right hand side select your operating system and press download
3. Go and install it and open the app — it should look like this minus the KASPADkd0 (after the synchronization is complete).
4. Once the app is running select mainnet and wait for your node to fully sync. When DAG SYNC is showing 100% you are good to go for the next step.
5. Go to setting tab and check Turn ON/OFF advanced settings and process control.
6. The KASPADkd0 tab (from step 3 above) will now be visible in your application. Press and open the tab.
7. If everything is correctly set-up you will get the below screen. If not then delete and reinstall the app and make sure you follow the above guide.
Installing and configuring the bridge for mining
Now that your node is up and running you need to install the bridge that will connect your asic miner to your local node.
- Go to and download your preferred operating system file
2. Unzip/extract the file to your local computer. You should have two files
3. Right click on config.yaml and click edit — you need now to change some parameters within the file prior to starting your mining process.
I will revert to this step in a second.
4. Open a terminal/cmd on your machine and type “ipconfig” — this will return your IP v4 and v6 IPs. Copy the one related to your IPv4 (ethernet if you machine is cabled or wifi address if you are connected to your router)
5. Review the step 3 above. In your config.yaml find and modify the following parameters:
— kaspad_address: localhost:16110 / replace localhost with your IPv4 address from step 4
— shares_per_min: 15 / modify it to 20
save an close the file
Configure your Asic to point to your local node
- Go to where xxx is your local asic IP. You can get its IP by scanning your wifi network or by logging in to your router and check connected devices.
2. Login to your Asic using Admin for username and 12345678 for your the password
3. In the Mining Settings from Asic interface input:
- Pool addr. — your local IP v4 address + 5555 — it should look like this
- Wallet/Worker — add your kaspa payout wallet followed by a “.” and worker name. it should look like this kaspa:qqqdfggaph6h5kd8mpdgfux20fynp2wqkaaag02l344urwwyxyr9kyyxz05c0.miner1
4. Go back to your bridge folder (see below picture) and run ks_bridge.exe
5. You are now Solo mining!
Remember, you must always have the PC on, KDC app and Bridge opened.
You can DM me on discord if you have any issues user name “”
You can buy me a coffee with $kas kaspa:qqqdfggaph6h5kd8mpdgfux20fynp2wqkaaag02l344urwwyxyr9kyyxz05c0